Why Outsource Structural BIM Services for Construction Firms?

Many companies in the fast construction industry are finding it smart to get help from outside for making 3D building models. This is especially true when they use structural BIM services. This helps them stay tough in the competition and improve their work. 

This method has many advantages. It saves money, speeds up project completion, and increases understanding. When we examine this closely, we can see why more firms are using this method. It can bring more achievement and money to construction companies. Let's find out more in the article below and discover attracting services of our company Harmony Advanced Technologies. 



What Are The Benefits Of Structural BIM Services?

Structural Building Information Modeling (BIM) services bring lots of good things for the whole construction project. They help from start to finish, like designing, planning, building, and maintaining. Here are some main benefits of using structural BIM services:

Better teamwork: BIM makes it easy for architects, engineers, builders, and others to work together smoothly. This helps them talk better, avoid problems, and make sure everyone knows the latest info.

Clearer pictures: BIM shows 3D models and pictures of the building. This helps everyone see and understand the design and how things will be built. It helps people decide, find issues early, and give good ideas.

Fixing clashes: BIM software can find clashes between different parts of the building, like pipes and beams, before building starts. This helps solve problems early and stops expensive changes at the construction site.

Saving money and time: BIM makes planning and scheduling projects easier. It helps avoid delays and fixes, which saves money and time while building.

More accurate and exact: BIM models look just like the real building and have lots of details. Consequently, this helps with analyzing and testing. It means designs are better and choices are smarter.

Helping the environment: BIM tools can check how much energy the building will use and its impact on the environment. As a result, this helps find ways to save energy and meet green goals.

To sum up, structural BIM services have many benefits. They help with working together, being efficient, getting things right, and making sure a building lasts a long time.



3 Minutes To Get a Glimpse of The Attractive Services Of Harmony Advanced Technologies

We've been in construction for over 20 years, and our company offers great structural BIM services. That's quite a long time, right? Also, we mainly assist other countries such as Germany, Japan, and the UK. Furthermore, individuals who utilized our services in numerous projects spoke positively about us. This shows that we truly possess a high level of quality – which is very important. To provide more clarity, check out some examples below.

Our Structural Modeling Services

We offer various services that fit your needs, providing full 3D to nD modeling solutions. Moreover, we excel at using Building Information Modeling (BIM) to display projects accurately. Our collaborative approach simplifies decision-making and workflow. Additionally, our user-friendly system enhances comprehension, effective planning, issue resolution, and durable design.

You can get records of how things are built before, during, and after the project is done. Using these records helps keep track of progress and make any changes needed. Now, let's see what's next!

BIM Coordination and Clash Detection

Harmony AT offers a BIM Coordination and Clash Detection service. We also provide structural BIM services. These modern tools make construction easier and more accurate. Using Building Information Modeling (BIM) helps teams collaborate effectively.

Our smart algorithms, including those from our structural BIM services, identify and solve problems early, preventing delays. The user-friendly system and clear reports make it easy to grasp the situation and resolve issues promptly. Our service helps your construction go smoothly. Our structural BIM services reduce issues for a successful outcome. What comes after this?



Structural Shop Drawings Services

We offer a solution that clearly displays your construction plans accurately. Our experts create easy-to-understand shop drawings that match your requirements, which are different from construction drawings.

With the help of advanced software and careful attention, we ensure the accuracy of the design. Our streamlined process ensures timely completion, making communication and collaboration among project participants effortless.

If you pick Harmony AT's Structural Shop Drawings service, you can trust the info and lower mistakes. This makes the project more successful. And that's not all!

Read more: Shop Drawings vs Construction Drawings vs As Built Drawings: Key Differences and Roles

Rebar Modeling Services

Harmony Advanced Technologies offers special Rebar modeling services designed for construction needs. Additionally, we create detailed and accurate models of reinforcement bars (rebar) for concrete buildings. Our advanced software and technology help us make precise images of rebar designs. This is crucial for making concrete parts like beams, columns, slabs, and foundations strong.

Furthermore, our simple modeling process saves time and reduces mistakes. Thus, this service is very attractive and shouldn't be ignored. Therefore, make sure you don't miss the chance to use our appealing service.



How far has our Software Proficiency reached?

We're a leading company in Vietnam that makes special computer programs for construction. Moreover, we're really good at using these programs. People know us for having great skills with software. Additionally, we use lots of different programs like Revit, Archicad, and Tekla to plan things well.

We're really good with Archicad – a special tool for making 3D building models. It helps people see and test projects in 3D, which makes planning and talking between experts better.

We're also great with Revit. It helps with designing buildings and other construction stuff. We're really skilled at using it for architecture, structure, and building.

We're also experts with Tekla, a strong tool for planning and showing detailed designs. This helps with complicated structures and makes work smoother, cheaper, and projects better.

We know other software like Autodesk Civil 3D and Allplan too. In general, this is our strength that you can completely trust.

Read more: Benefits Of Structural 3D Modeling For Construction Companies

What Sectors Do We Work On? 

We're really good at making special tools for BIM/CIM Modeling. BIM is about designing buildings with computers. We work with software like AutoCAD, Revit, and others. We're also good at using Forge, Nemetschek Allplan, ArchiCAD, Solibri, and Trimble Tekla.

Moreover, we can change PDFs, DWGs, and Point Clouds into detailed BIM models. These models are made for buildings and structures, and we're really good at it.

In addition to that, we're a company that makes special software, and we're really good at it in Vietnam. We make great BIM solutions for designing things like roads and buildings. Our products are NOVA TDN, TOPO, and HS(MO). We're friends with Autodesk and we can sell Applied Tech BooT.one.

Furthermore, our new ideas do really well in making BIM tools that work on the cloud. We use Autodesk® Forge API and work with IFC files to create useful things. Besides, we also create things for tasks such as project management and making Digital Twins. Moreover, our company also use IoT solutions, analyze data, and perform VR simulations.

Last but not least, we help with BIM consulting and training. Companies get better with our help on using BIM, learning software, and making documents.

Is this in line with what you need? To learn more, we suggest you contact us here for more information.




To conclude, getting help from outside for making 3D models of buildings is truly beneficial for construction companies. If you haven't found a good choice yet, consider Harmony Advanced Technologies today.

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